WE Post: October 2022 E-News

October 2022 E-News

Category: eNews

President’s Letter

By: Barbara Price

Dear USAWE Members,

“Though winter is coming and that means change, we know spring is just around the corner and soon the days will be long and warm again.”

Yes, November is here, and winter close on its heels. For much of our membership that means winter weather which can hinders the best of equestrian plans. But there are many activities to keep up, and perhaps improve, our skills and that of our horses during the off-season and inclement weather.

    • Start a stretch or exercise program geared for equestrians.
    • Ask friends for recommendations on their favorite books on horsemanship, riding, biometrics, etc. There’s a wealth of good information out there. (And some great equestrian-related novels, too!)
    • Videos, videos and more videos. There’s a video for just about every discipline, health or training issue, breeds, nutrition, and many topics you’ve never even thought of. And, Working Equitation of course. (Pedro Torres has a wonderful DVD series.)
    • Develop a groundwork and/or in-hand plan of action specific to your horse’s needs.
    • Work on ground manners. Most horses can always use a refresher course on manners.
    • If indoor space allows, try some liberty training. It’s fun and will help develop your relationship with your horse.

    That’s just a few ideas for keeping busy with your horses this winter. There are more, for sure. What are your favorite winter equestrian activities? It would be fun to share ideas on social media. Stay warm…and stay active.

    Election Update: As of late October, candidate statements had been submitted and were posted on the website, and the last opportunity to join USAWE as an individual adult member and receive a ballot to vote passed. The first week of November ballots will be emailed to all eligible members, and voting closes November 15. Eligible members, be sure to check the email used when you joined USAWE for your ballot.

    Work hard. Play hard. And enjoy every moment!

    With much appreciation,
    Barbara Price
    President 2022

    USA Working Equitation
    5006 Forsythe Place
    Boulder, CO 80303


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