Having Calendar Problems?

What to do if the Calendar isn’t working for you…

The USAWE calendar is an actively dynamic portion of the website with a lot of moving parts and dynamic updating. Some people experience problems with it: usually an inability to scroll through the future months of events. If you are having this problem, or other issues, we’ve provided some helpful tips below to possibly fix the problem.

  1. Clear the cache of the browser you’re using (i.e. IE, Chrome, Firefox, etc… Do a Google search for instructions on how to do this for your particular browser)
  2. Close down and reopen the website
  3. Close down and reopen the browser
  4. Reboot your computer

Often times the problem is a slow Internet connection. This could be due to your overall Internet speed (you can do a Google search to find out your Internet speed or ask your Internet provider) or the time of day and heavy use.

If you have done the above items and you’re still having a problem, try:

  1. Get on your phone, go to settings and turn off Wi-Fi (so you’re using 5G) and check the calendar page
  2. Contact a friend and have them check the calendar page from their computer

If the calendar is working on your phone and your friend isn’t having a problem, the issue is your internet connection or cache clog.

If All Else Fails…

If you have tried all of the above and you are still having a problem, please fill out the contact form below. The more detailed information we have regarding the problem, the better we are able to fix it. Thank you for your patience.

8 + 1 =

USA Working Equitation
5006 Forsythe Place
Boulder, CO 80303


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