Regional Reports

R2 August 2021


By: Robin Bond

Region 2 members have been busy this summer! While there has been a reduction in show activity due to oppressive heat, wildfires, and a EHV-1 incident in Northern California, several Region 2 professionals have been giving clinics and judging shows in other regions.

Polly Limond, Barbara Price, Sue Watkins, Nicole Chastain Price and probably others I don’t know, have traveled extensively this summer sharing their knowledge.

Please be sure to send me a note if you are holding schooling shows or giving clinics so I can put them up on the Facebook page. Email to:

The biggest news is that we will be holding the Region 2 Championship show October 1-3, 2021 at the Wine Country Classic multi-breed show at Galway Downs in Temecula, CA. The veterinary inspection will be September 30, 2021 from 2 to 5pm.

Due to these strange times, the qualifying period is from January 1, 2019 through September 26, 2021. There is an A rated show for those who did not qualify. If you think you might qualify between now and the show, please enter the Rated show and upgrade to the Championship when you qualify.

Please check out the website and get your entries in!

Robin Bond
Region 2 Director

USA Working Equitation
5006 Forsythe Place
Boulder, CO 80303


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