Regional Reports

R6 May 2022


By: Kim Hillyer

Hello region 6 members!  We’ve had a great start to the spring season.  Lots of riding weather, and some shows and great clinics under our belts so far.  I just love seeing all the excitement for Working Equitation.  Keep an eye on the Region 6 facebook page to see what events are happening in our region.

I want to welcome our newest 2 Affiliate Organization to our region.  Northwestern Pennsylvania Working Equitation in Cochranton, PA, and Three Rivers Equestrian Association in Pittsburg, PA.  That’s 5 AO’s in PA!  How exciting is that.  This is the best way to grow our organization, as it helps people find where it’s all happening.

Lots of work is happening to make the Eastern Zone Championships a great success and a top notch event for those showing.  They are looking to have vendors attend as well as sell sponsorships.  If you know any business that would want to have a captive audience for 4 days, this would be a fantastic venue to set up a vendor spot.  We horse people love to shop!   The links for the forms for vendors and sponsorships are below.  Lots of unique sponsorship opportunities.  I just love that you can see exactly where your sponsorship dollars are going.  Share these forms everywhere!

Happy Riding, and I hope to see you out and about doing WE!

Kim Hillyer
R6 Director

USA Working Equitation
5006 Forsythe Place
Boulder, CO 80303


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